This is the first year we've really done pumpkin carving with Avery. He seemed very excited about the final product, but wasn't so sure he wanted to partake in the scooping phase of the process. Thankfully, Matt is able to convince Avery to do just about anything (sometimes that's not so good), and he had him scooping pumpkin guts in no time.
I said he was scooping...I didn't say he enjoyed it.
Once we got the guts scooped, it was on to carving. I realized at that point that if Avery didn't enjoy the scooping portion, there really wasn't anything left that he'd have fun doing. Crap. He did get to pick out his stencil, though, and seemed very excited about his choice.
Can't you see the excitement???
Matt chose to do his pumpkin old-fashioned, claiming, "stencils are cheating!" And, yes, maybe they are, but I wouldn't have been able to create Avery's monkey face without one.
My beloved worked diligently, first drawing on his design with a pen, then carving. I tried so hard to get his "concentrating look" captured on film. He purses his lips together and releases them in rapid succession - it's quite hilarious to watch. Unfortunately, I've given him a hard time about this expression a few too many times, and since he knew he was being photographed...Well, I just couldn't catch it. Oh well!
(By the way, this is the first time my husband has had a full beard - this is only a couple weeks' growth, and supposedly there will be no shaving for months. It sure takes some getting used to! But I think it fits his personality.)
After we finished, we found a nice, dark bathroom to test out the Jack-O-Lanterns.
Avery's monkey face. (It's tough taking photos in the dark without a flash - so expect some blur!)
My crow. (My mother claims this isn't a traditional Jack-O-Lantern {in mom-speak this means she doesn't like it} and while I agree that it's not, I still like it. A lot.)
Here it is! Matt's piece de resistance: Goofy, gap-toothed, googly-eyed Jack. My mother adores him. Maybe next year, Mom, maybe next year.
Hope your Halloween is spooky, safe, and full of treats.

Matt chose to do his pumpkin old-fashioned, claiming, "stencils are cheating!" And, yes, maybe they are, but I wouldn't have been able to create Avery's monkey face without one.

After we finished, we found a nice, dark bathroom to test out the Jack-O-Lanterns.

Hope your Halloween is spooky, safe, and full of treats.
Why is Matt not shaving? Did he lose a bet? Your photos are very effective, and I love your crow pumpkin. Hasn't your mother seen what Martha Stewart does with pumpkins?
I think you've done a fine job.
Did I tell you V wants all three of us to be Princess Leia for Halloween? Yeah. I don't think so. (I loved your ideas, by the way...)
Matt decided shaving was "too much work." No bets lost...he's just on strike!
Princess Leia could be interesting - I'm sure you all could put your very own spin on that one!
You'll have to get some good photos of what you decided on and share.
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