Saturday, September 26, 2009

It's Official!


If you're a Facebook friend, you've known this for a couple days. I apologize for not updating all of my online friends at the same time, but I had a couple of reasons. The first is that I wanted to post a dorky picture of me holding my positive home pregnancy tester stick here, and since I can't find the cord which connects my camera to my computer, I've been held up. Also, it's still quite early, and I feel as though shouting this pregnancy from the rooftops may jinx it.

Our first visit to the Dr's office is 10-7 (which is apparently just to have bloodwork done and to get my information packet from the OB nurse). Our first Dr's visit - when we get to listen to the heartbeat for the first time! - is 10-21. So as time creeps on, I am growing more and more confident that I won't jinx myself, after all.

We are so excited! Matt is a huge bundle of nerves, but that's my hubby for you. I'm starting to wonder what Avery's reaction will be when this baby is born and he discovers that I have not just given birth to his two-year-old cousin. I think we may just spend the next 7+ months clarifying the situation.


Jennifer said...

oh, congratulations! how're you feeling? Avery's going to be a lovely big brother...and there are many good children's books out there to help with him with the transition. I have a lovely one from the early 1970s, if you wanna borrow it.

Megan said...

Thank you! And so far, no nausea! Yay! I lost almost 20 lbs. during the first trimester when I was pregnant with Avery. And although I'd love to lose that 20 again, somehow I don't think it would be in this babe's best interest!

So far, Avery is really excited about the idea...but like I said, mostly that's due to the fact that he believes he's getting an instant playmate. We're thinking of getting a doll to practice with, too. And books wouldn't hurt, either!