We've had to make a decision about where we are going to doctor with this little baking bun.
I've been a medical receptionist off and on for almost five years, and I've worked for both medical facilities in our small community. They each have their pros and cons, so it was sort of daunting to decide where we will spend our considerable bun-birthing dollars.
There are a number of factors that played into our final decision. The first, and probably most important, is that both of my previous deliveries took place at Innovis Health. I had no prenatal care with baby number one (that's a story for another time...), but feel that the birthing process and the care given were certainly as accommodating and genuine as one could have hoped for in that situation. (Did that make any sense?)
Four years after that first delivery, my husband and I found ourselves in need of an obstetrician for our first baby together. So who would we choose? Why, the same man who delivered baby number one, of course! Dr. Greg Glasner is an extremely likable, caring, and knowledgeable physician. However, he is now the CEO of Innovis Health, which means he now spends more time attending board meetings than he does delivering babies. Bummer for us.
So now we virtually have a blank slate. Who to choose?
After Avery was born, his heart condition required us to see a pediatric cardiologist (he has an ASD and a VSD, in case you're wondering). It turns out the only one in town was located at MeritCare. So off we went, MeritCare newbies, lost in a maze of criss-crossing hallways and a sea of other patients. And while Dr. Rodrigo Rios took wonderful care of our worries and our tiny boy, we were never tempted to turn all of Avery's care over to MeritCare.
Perhaps it could be said that most of my loyalty to Innovis (formerly Dakota Clinic) is due to family roots. My mother is a nurse, and has worked for Dakota Clinic for many years. Growing up, I was always taken there for illnesses, check-ups, and annual sports physicals. This is also where my parents were hospitalized each time my dad had a heart attack/stroke, and my mother had cardioversions to treat her congestive heart failure. Anyway, you get the point: lots of strong, deep roots.
Then, when I went back to work full time after Avery was born, I just happened to get a position with MeritCare. To be honest, I felt a bit like a traitor. But take the job, I did, and I can honestly tell you it was the best fit I've ever had in the employment arena. (I say this past-tense only because my child apparently has issues with daycares, and I am now his full time care provider again.)
Ok...back on track, Megan.
For insurance coverage purposes, one who is employed by MeritCare doctors with MeritCare (otherwise you get screwed up the wazoo with out-of-network costs). So we chose a new pediatrician for Avery, and Matthew and I chose MeritCare providers for ourselves.
So, do we stick with our new network of caregivers? Or do we go back to the providers we know and love...a network of people we've known for years and years?
The unknown is scary. Would the MeritCare labor and delivery nurses be as good, as compassionate, as patient as they were at Innovis? Would the lactation consultant be as understanding, helpful, and encouraging? And possibly the most important question: Would the doctor who has gotten to know us during all of our prenatal visits be the one to deliver our baby? Would he remember my name? My husband's name? Our son's name? Whether we were expecting a boy or a girl - or, heaven forbid, more than one baby?
Also, I have given birth twice without an epidural. I have not needed the surgical expertise of a medical doctor. If this area offered one, I may even have opted for a birthing center, rather than a hospital setting for this baby's birth. I plan to go as naturally as possible again this time.
The answer is that for us, Innovis Health is the right choice. We know them. We don't always love every teeny tiny thing about them, but at least we know their flaws, and we can accept them. We have chosen Terry Burrell this time around. After Dr. Glasner moved on to administrative duties, I saw Terry for an annual check-up, and liked him. He's also a CNM, which means I will be one step closer to a more natural birth. MeritCare, I discovered, does not offer any midwives for prenatal care or delivery.
Sometime in May (most likely), you will find us on the sixth floor of Innovis Health. I'll be exhausted and uncomfortable, but I'll be content and happy, too, knowing we made the right decision for our little family.
First of all, I am again freaked out by the fact that our children have both seen Dr. Rios. Did you know that already? Wasn't he an amazing doctor???
Secondly, if I were having a baby again soon (which I'm not), I would probably want Terry, too. He comes highly recommended from my closest friends in town, both of whom have birthed with him.
Thirdly, having had one baby via c-section at meritcare, I can tell you the nursing staff was good (with the exception of one nurse trainee who told me I couldn't shower before nursing or my milk would go sour), the lactation consultant was AMAZING, and the on-call system scared the crap out of us.
I know your choice is difficult, and I'm impressed that you made essentially the same one I would've made. You really are brilliant.
After having read your older blog posts, I gathered that V had some congenital defect that had been repaired. I assumed that since Dr. Rios was the only one in town you had probably seen him. And yes, I loved him, too.
Avery has to be checked again in the next 6 months to a year to see if his "holes" have closed up on their own or if he will require surgery. Scares the bejesus out of me.
So did the person you had for your prenatal checks actually operate and deliver V? Just curious, because the one thing I've noticed is that when you view the "Bassi-net" at MeritCare's site, a surprisingly large number of babies are delivered by someone other than the mother's obstetrician.
Yes, I believe we made the right choice...and I'm happy to hear of my brilliance :)
Oh...I forgot to ask what, specifically (if you don't mind my asking) did V have repaired?
V had a leak near her aorta (imagine me totally FREAKING OUT) called patent ductus arteriosus https://www.google.com/health/ref/Patent+ductus+arteriosus
It was heard at her 18 month check up, but it does sometimes close on its own; when she was hospitalized with RotoVirus at 19 months, the doctor was concerned. So we had it checked, and within a few weeks they performed a "procedure" under general anaestetic (sp), where with some fancy catheter thing they slipped a disk through her femoral artery (or one of those big, important ones) and popped it into the space. She's fine now, but has to carry a little medical card. Well, I carry it on her behalf for now.
Our OB, Dr. Two Bears (how great of a name is that? And she was a woman!) was family practice, and we loved her, but she was not a surgeon, so the on-call surgeon performed the c-section. Two Bears assisted on the surgery and would've delivered if we could've had a normal delivery. So if for some reason Innovis doesn't work out, get yerself a family practice doctor at Meritcare, and the odds are much better that she/he will deliver your baby.
If we ever do have another baby, I'd really like to deliver at Innovis. We'd have to transfer all our medical care over to Innovis, including each of our personal doctors and a specialist V sees for a rear foot deformity, which would be a pain, but would not cost any more than what Meritcare costs us. It's just a leap we'll have to decide if want to take.
Avery doesn't have a rear foot deformity, does he? Because if he does, I think we might be related or something.
Nope, no rear foot deformity. He does, however, have a readhered circumcision (ummm hmmm...be thankful you had a girl - you escaped circumcision headaches and heartaches!).
And transferring medical records and such really isn't difficult for the patient (it just sucks for the facilities...paperwork to be scanned into your new electronic chart, and all). Just have a release of info. form faxed to you at the school - or wherever - and list Innovis Health as the place you want them sent.
If you see Internal Medicine providers, I can recommend some good ones. Dr. Thomas Kempf is by far my number one suggestion, followed closely by Drs. Walter Johnson, Vandana Nagpal (I think she may only practice out of the hospital now, though), and Michael Sheldon. Since we've already talked about Terry, I'm assuming you know who you'd choose in that area :)
Dr. David Clutter, pediatrician, is who discovered Avery's heart murmur, and specializes in children with heart conditions. I guess if V's "fixed" she maybe wouldn't need someone like that, though.
Anyway, I won't ramble any longer. If you ever decide to take the leap, I've got many more recommendations, should you need them.
Have a happy weekend!
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