Saturday, November 1, 2008

About nothing in particular...

Our computer decided to plant its feet firmly in the Land of Noncompliance last week. Fortunately, we were able to threaten it into submission: A new computer is on The List for tax return purchases.

Anyway, this should mean I've got oodles and oodles to say. I mean, I've been without blogland for nearly two weeks! Yet I seem to be struggling for juicy bits to throw your way.

Yesterday was Halloween. Avery was a pumpkin. Not too exciting, but it was hand-me-down and since he's still not really into this particular annual event (he's not quite two), we just decided to go the easy route. I did, however, do something rather creative for Matt and I. I saw an episode of Martha Stewart earlier this week, and she demonstrated how to make paper wigs. Mine was of the curly variety (with orange and pink paper), and Matt's was supposed to turn out like a mullet, but it ended up looking more like a 60's outward flip with some crazy bangs (done in green, yellow, and black paper). His reminded me of the Jamaican flag, so I kept begging him to speak with that accent all night - he never gave in though. I'll try to get a picture of both of us in them to post later on.

My mother-in-law called last night, wanting gift ideas from us for Christmas. Ugh. All this did was remind me that I still have virtually 50% still to do on her quilt. And now that Thanksgiving is creeping closer, I know time will just vanish, and I'll probably be scrambling to finish the darn thing til wee hours of the morning, days before we head down to celebrate Christmas with them (wow - what a lengthy sentence that was!). Ok. That said, I think I feel guilty enough to cut this short and get crackin' on it now.

See ya!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Time WILL vanish, I'm afraid, but fabric is a wonderfully forgiving medium. Just speed on through.

That's how I do it, anyway...