Thursday, October 16, 2008

Kickin' Ass

I don't mind telling you that for the first time, I'm paying fairly close attention to a presidential election. I watched the first presidential debate and the vice-presidential debate (only missing the second and third presidential ones because I wasn't home - I caught up a little online after each).

There's just something about the way Sarah Palin spoke during the VP debate that rubbed me wrong. Yes, I had already decided I agreed more with Obama's economic plan, so I was already leaning toward that side. But why does a woman think she needs to "dumb it down" in order to appeal to the general population? Her "gosh darnit" "darn tootin'" phrases made me think we'd gone to the remotest of hills in West Virginia, found us an uneducated mama of a dozen kids, polished her up, and threw her on stage with Senator Biden. I know, I know. Maybe I'm being unfair. But what's wrong with winning over the American voters with dialogue that matches her intelligence level?

I suppose now would be the time to mention that regardless of her debate tactics, I think she could bring a number of positive things to the country. Her pregnant teenage daughter would certainly focus more attention on that particular problem. Having her as our VP would also force our nation to respect intelligent women more, as well. However, her stance on gay and lesbian unions is one I cannot get behind. All in all, it is my opinion that the negatives outweigh the positives for the McCain/Palin party.

Anyway, I came across something today that made me laugh - hysterically! As we all know, this is pretty serious campaign, "gosh darnit." Leave it to Madonna to provide us with a dose of much needed ridiculousness as we prepare to go to the polls.

Madonna vs. Sarah Palin

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I haven't watched the Madonna video yet, but yeah...Palin scares me a little. I totally agree with your "dumbing down" assessment: George W. is the king of this. I don't believe he's actually stupid, but man, he plays the part well. I don't want a president (or vice president) to drink a few beers with! I want one smarter than my beer drinking friends who will fix what's broken or at least not make things worse. Is that so wrong?