To his newly acquired Land 'O' Fun!
Grandpa and Grandpa visited from Nebraska last weekend, and HOLY TOLEDO did our child make off like a bandit! This immense structure now takes up nearly half of our living room. But what great timing. With the weather as yucky and rainy as it's been, I've found it's mighty handy to have a mini-park at your disposal for unwanted additional toddler energy!

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While Matt's parents were here, we also ventured out to one of the pumpkin/haunted farms - with the intention of picking a couple of pumpkins to carve. Apparently family activities only take place during daylight hours on Sundays, and we drove the twenty or so miles on a Saturday (I wasn't particularly impressed, if you can't tell). So, unfortunately we were greeted by only a couple of friendly dogs and some festive decor. Some was smile-inducing for a small child, some was...not.

Mercy. Poor Avery is gonna need years of therapy for that one. I might need therapy. That's one awful scary clown.
Good Lord - I just noticed I said "Grandpa and Grandpa" - there really was a Grandma in there somewhere! That's what I get for blogging at 1 am.
And yes, that was one frightening Halloween decoration!
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