His name is Gannon Russell. He came into this world kicking and screaming on October 21st of this year. I'll spare you from the labor and delivery play-by-play, but let's just say it was miraculously short (painful as all hell, of course, but short!). After twelve minutes of pushing, out came this nine pound, seven ounce bundle.

Thankfully, his older brother decided a couple months before his arrival that it would be ok to have a little brother (Phew!). Avery has been excited and helpful, sometimes bordering on overzealous. I've decided, however, that I'd much rather have that than deal with an older son who despises his sibling.
I've got loads more to say about this little guy and the chaos he's added to our little family, but for now, I think I'll let some photos do the talking.

1 comment:
Sweet holy moses, he's beautiful! Oh, and you're still within that painful 8 week window, when no one gets any sleep at all. Congrats on posting! V was 5 months old before I could post anything.
Good to have you back, dear girl. I commented to your comment on Languishing, btw.
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