Well, I should clarify. Avery and I LOVE books...Avery's daddy - not so much. I'm okay with it, though. If I can't convert my husband, I'm at least going to make sure my children appreciate all the wonderful, out-of-this-world, imagination-tickling places books can take us.
A couple weeks ago, Avery and I stopped by Savers and spent the majority of our time searching for books that would appeal to a 2 1/2 year-old. We found some real winners! And not only did we get a great deal (eight hardcover books for less than $2.00 a piece), but they have really become some of our favorites.
In my next posts, I'm going to share them with you. And we're going to start today with my favorite out of the bunch, "Five Nice Mice" presented by Chisato Thashiro, translated from the Japanese by Sayako Uchida, and adapted by Kate Westerlund. (Phew! Jennifer, if I didn't do that correctly, please look away now and pretend I was never your student!)
Not only is this story adorable -- I mean, come on, mice and frogs??? How could it not be cute? -- but the pictures are endearing, too. Here, I'll show you!
Now, I'm not going to tell you the whole story, but here are a few of the highlights:

In this scene, the mice have just come from a concert performed by frogs, and have been inspired to start a band. They hunt around for items to transform into instruments. See the can of tomatoes and the pencils? They're my favorite.

The completed instruments! They practice very hard so they can put on their own concert. Don't you just love the lollipop drumsticks?

Near the end, mice and frogs have joined together to make beautiful music.

This one is Avery's favorite. They played so long and so hard, they just wore themselves out!
By the way, this book is part of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. Just in case that matters to you.

Tomorrow: "The Mine-O-Saur" by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen and illustrated by David Clark. Betcha can't guess my reasons for buying this one! The fact that this has become Avery's favorite could be taken two ways: either a) it is seeping into his little brain, switching a little lightbulb on in the sharing department of his brain, or b) he IS the Mine-O-Saur.
Let's hope for the first option, shall we?
Wow, lovely mouse and frog book! We're in the Dolly Parton library club, so I'm hopeful it'll show up at our house.
We get most of our thrifted books from either the Salvation Army (on 1st ave. N. in moorhead), where kids books are 75 cents, or St. Vincent's (1st Ave. So, Fargo) where they are only about a quarter. They can both be kinda hit or miss, but it's a fun game.
Do you have a scanner, to get such nice book pictures? Lovely.
I just snapped the photos with my D60 on Avery's bedroom windowsill. It took a few tries so that the flash didn't glare, though.
I've never been to either of those thrift stores to look for books...in fact, I don't think I've ever been to St. Vincent's period. Think I'll check them out (Matt thanks you, I'm sure!).
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