Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Farewell -- for the moment.

I thought I'd better post an update since I'll be taking a hiatus from blogland. In the next week, I start a new, full-time job, Avery starts daycare, and we are moving. Phew! Are you as tuckered out as I am at the prospect of all that?

Our To-Do list is quite long, and I'm not sure how big of a priority it will be to reconnect the computer. Certainly it will come after setting up beds, unpacking clothes, and making Avery's toys and coloring books available to him. After all that, I may just be too pooped out to care about the computer. Then again, maybe I'll need an escape to blogland...so I may forget about the nightmares I'll be having about unmarked boxes containing items I don't recognize.

If you don't hear from me by March, please come looking. Perhaps I've packed myself.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Mercy, that's quite a list. Congrats on the move, the job, and the daycare. Which are you most excited about?

Try to remember to have some fun, too.