Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I took Pioneer Woman's word that I had yet to find the best Christmas cookies. So I tried her recipe...and...WOW! To say they're wonderful is a definite understatement.

Now I'm not going to say mine are as pretty as hers. But I did discover we grew up with the same cookie cutters (If you look closely in my pics you can see the same Santa she used in her demo cookies).

Anyway, I thought I'd post some pictures to display my hard work baking this afternoon -- and to make you jealous that I have yummy Christmas cookies -- and, yes, I suppose to convince you to try the recipe, also. Because really, these things are just scrumptious.

Happy Holidays! It's really feeling (and smelling!) like Christmas in the Weatherby home.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Wow, snazzy cookies. Dang.

I responded to your comment on my own blog, by the way, so go back over there and read it if you want to.

In the meantime, I feel ashamed by your cookie excitement. I can't even find my kitchen counters.