See that pretty purple one next to the gigantic box of oatmeal? There is a little wagon filled with Lego-type blocks in that one. When I was still being silly (thinking he would leave the gifts alone if I just sat them in the middle of the living room), Avery tore it open and had blocks spread across the living room, dining room, kitchen, and bathroom. Uh huh. That'll be a fun one to clean up after every afternoon.
Oh, and see that plain white one that looks just like a shirt box with a green bow? Yeah, it is a shirt box. That's one of Matt's gifts - it mysteriously lost all its wrapping paper. And mommy was tired of re-wrapping, so it just got some tape to hold it shut and a bow.
And while we're discussing bows, have I ever mentioned we have a cat? If so, did I also mention he's the devil's own kitty? You see, he rips ornaments off our tree, and bats them around until they either A) break or B) get lost under the china hutch. Lovely. He also gnaws on wrapping paper and bows. Try to feel warm and fuzzy handing someone a gift that looks as though it was peppered by a shot gun at forty yards.
By the way, the 4th of July is my favorite holiday.
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