Jessica leaves for Minneapolis this week. For good. Ohhhh. Hummmph. Jeesh.
She's the middle sister. The one who would rather say nothing than hurt anyone. The one who lets her older and younger sisters have it out with each other and anyone else, but calmly and reasonably points out if you're in the wrong. The one who makes sure she always tells everyone she loves how she feels about them (Oh goodness, I think I'm tearing up). How on earth will we settle an argument without her?
She's going to be a teacher, this sister of mine. Since she's been in school, there have been a large number of projects I've stayed up assisting with until all hours of the night. I've proofread countless papers, lent a sometimes helpful hand with poetry homework, and colored and cut out hundreds of flashcards for in-class games perfect for elementary children. I'd do it all again in an instant. The hours spent with her, realizing her intelligence, filling in where she may fall short in understanding something, learning something unexpectedly new from her...it has certainly been a win for both sides.
She's been staying with us off and on for the last month. In that time I've seen her display unending patience, willingness to educate while disciplining, and the sheer joy she gets out of interacting with Avery. Any child will be extremely fortunate to have her as his/her teacher.
But darn it - why does she have to move away? Well, it's quite simple really. Chad, her beau of about four years, lives in Minneapolis - was born and raised there. He graduated a year and a half ahead of Jessica and has established himself in his field of expertise - business and marketing. There were also many more student teaching opportunities in that area. And most likely, when the two of them finally marry (it's only a matter of time, after all), they'll settle in a nice little house somewhere in the suburbs of Minneapolis/St. Paul.
Oh, how Avery will miss his "Acah" (the ending two syllables of her name). Sure, there will be trips home as often as she can manage...for holidays and such. And yes, surely we'll travel there once in a while to see her, too. But it's just not the same.
Just look at them together.

Avery was sort of in trouble at this moment. But look at her. You'd take her seriously if you were an eight-year-old misbehaving, wouldn't you?

And really, how can she leave this boy?
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