Thursday, September 18, 2008

She Shall Sew.

Say that five times fast. Hah! "She" would be me, of course. And the sewing I'm talking about? Oh goodness, let me tell you what has my cup overflowing with excitement.

I decided I was going to give creative (sometimes handmade) gifts this year for birthdays and holidays. I purchased a pattern from Sew Liberated, and it just came in the mail today! I can't tell you exactly what it is since there's a slim chance one of my sisters might see this post. But needless to say, I have really high hopes for this particular adventure.

There's a little hang-up, however. I haven't used a sewing pattern since my days in 4-H. That was, hmmm, approximately 1992, when I was ten or so. And honestly, until I recently took up quilting and made that little grocery bag for my mother, I hadn't sewn in probably fifteen years, either. So you can probably understand the apprehension I'm feeling. Luckily my mother is fairly skilled in this area and has agreed to help me, should I need it.

I'm thinking I'll need all the help I can get.

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