Thursday, September 4, 2008

Autumn Greeting

Apparently summer is backing away from us, and autumn is eager to fill its place. This week, we're already getting down into the 40's during the night. Brrr!

I'm one of those people who are impossible to please. I hate sweating the second I walk out the door during the summer months, but I also despise shoveling snow and bundling up. I suppose that's human nature, right? Let me feel a little bit better about my constant state of discontent when it comes to this region's weather...agree with me, please.

I dragged out my crock pot today. This chilly weather is putting me in the mood for something slow-cooked and wholesome. Beef roast, mashed potatoes, gravy, and some fresh garden peas should do the trick. Mmmm...I can't wait for supper and it's not even noon!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I love the crockpot. Have you seen this site? Because you'll find all kindsa things you want to try there.

I seriously think that the only reason non-nomadic people live in this region is because our parents lived here, and we're basically lazy.