My photos are now happily downloaded (uploaded?) to the computer, where they shall remain for who knows how long.
Have I mentioned I started quilting this summer? Oh goodness gracious. What an addiction that has become. I think fabrics are now my purchase obsession (and don't even THINK about what clearance-priced fabrics do to me). The only project I've finished so far is a wall hanging made from the very first block I completed. The pattern, Trip Around the World, is from a book my grandma had at the lake cabin with her one weekend. It's a very simple, 15 inch block made up of 2 1/2 inch squares (well, 2 5/8 before the seam allowance is factored in).
Anyway, I have since started two other projects. One is to be a quilt for my bed, made from the same pattern which I completed my first block. I got really sick of little squares within about ten days' time, however, and have moved on to another. The other will be a throw for my mother-in-law for Christmas. It's made from a pattern called the Roman Stripe, which, according to the online quilting site I was referencing, is very good for beginners.

The lightest fabric has some sweet little phrases on it like, "Family bonds are stitched tighter than thread." There are a couple of other ones, but that one's my favorite. It's all done in colors that are found in her living room. Now I just have to hope she likes it!

So, how does this have to do with my shopping adventure today? Oh me, oh my. I walked into Savers today. Near the back of the store they have craft materials. I found numerous bags of random fabrics, found four I just couldn't live without, and scurried towards the checkout counter before I could let buyer's remorse kick in.
1 small bundle: $2.99
2 medium bundles: $3.99
1 large bundle: $7.99
(My heart is all twittery and full. What a great shopper I am! Now...where to hide it all from Matt.)
All in all, I came up with 74 different fabrics. Almost every one of them is at least a quarter yard, some as much as 2-3 yards.

Just think of the possibilities!
Congrats on the batteries. And, um, I had to go to Saver's, too, and I bought one of the 7.99 packs, and I might go back today for more, because, Dang! Whoever donated her fabric stash had some great taste in fabric.
Your quilt is lovely. Be careful of fabric, though, because it will quickly take over your whole house. Which is fine with me, but not fine with Mr. Languishing. Harumph.
Oh yes, my grandma already warned of the addiction that comes along with fabric purchasing.
The quilt for my mother-in-law isn't put together yet. I don't know if you could tell from that picture. I was just so anxious to see what it was going to look like I laid it out the other night. Hopefully it turns out good enough to still give as a gift!
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