Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Darn Batteries

I have lots of fun and exciting photos trapped on my camera at the moment. I realized the batteries were dead Monday night when I sat down to download them all to my computer. I could have gone to buy new batteries. I have this love/hate relationship with shopping, however.

I have this very unlikable habit of going into a store, seeing something I never could have imagined I needed or wanted, and becoming instantly unable to leave the store without said item. I go out for milk and bread, and come home $50 later with the makings for lemon scones, or chicken tortilla soup, or some such thing that I had maybe one of eight ingredients needed. I will venture to the mall to return an outfit of Avery's that I finally found hanging in its bag on the back of my bedroom door, which was supposed to fit him 3 months ago. On my way out I see clearance racks. OH LORDY! Clearance racks! They're like a beacon in a foggy sea, drawing me in to their land of astonishingly reduced-price items as though they were my safe harbor.

So you see, going out to purchase batteries - and batteries only - is a dangerous affair. Maybe by tomorrow or Friday I'll need more milk or bread. Maybe I'll suddenly be unable to resist the urge to attempt a recipe that has caught my eye. Or maybe I'll run out of laundry soap, or hair conditioner, or Avery's butt cream. Or perhaps I can go into Target or K-Mart and just purchase batteries, leaving with my dignity and my pocketbook.

We shall see.


Jennifer said...

You're funny.

We invested in a four pack of rechargeable batteries when we got our digital camera, and one pair is always charging while the other's in the camera. They tend to last longer than regular batteries, too, which is handy. The only downside is when I forget to bring the extra set when we go away for a weekend, and I'm too cheap to buy regular batteries when I have perfectly good recharged ones at home.

Megan said...

We've considered rechargeable batteries, just haven't made discussion into reality quite yet.

I may have successfully made my shopping faults sound light-hearted and humorous. However, if you spoke with my husband on the matter he'd probably have a nervous breakdown right then and there.