Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Horses & Chickens & Ducks, OH MY!

Well, it's off to Nebraska for a nature-filled weekend! Matt's parents have a small farm there. It's beautiful, quaint, and tucked just far enough away from a paved road that you can pretend you're in the middle of nowhere, when really you're only a ten minute drive from crazy traffic and gigantic mobs of people.

Avery will surely have the time of his life. He's been there before, of course, but this time he'll be old enough to chase after the chickens and ducks. He'll also be able to enjoy the velvety tickle of the horses' mouths against his hands and face. There is also a large population of cats (who are luckily VERY tame) and an especially friendly mutt named Rosie.

There is a second dog, the black sheep (the dog's a sheep?) of the family. She's actually not so bad...she's just getting old and cranky. This little demon's name is Shorty. She's black (or used to be - she's awfully gray now) and has rather long ears that stand straight up off her head - the tip of one flops over making her look a little mischievious. She's short (obviously. hence the name) like a Dachshund and has this curly tail that looks like it belongs on a pig. Not only does she have a pig's tail, but she also acquired their stench at some point. Despite all this, she's really quite lovable - as long as you don't get in her way.

Anyway, I'll be sure to capture lots of outdoorsy pictures to post upon our return.

You'll be relieved to know that Jessica has agreed to care for Cheetoh and Charlie while we're gone. Sorry boys - no farm adventures for you!

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